Saturday, January 24, 2009

Shaggy Stacks

With the unplanned day off yesterday I wasn't sure what to do to fill in my time. I went to the golf driving range for a quick bucket then started back home. That's when I thought I'd head towards Ben Lomond. I haven't been up there before and wanted to do some recon for the future.

Once again I found a rough dirt track leading up to the resort. My car really isn't designed for that sort of road, but that doesn't seem to stop me. I got up there and was absolutely freezing! And to make matters worse the lookout track was closed due to engineering concerns, so I didn't get any good shots for the trip.

However, on the drive out I came across more haystacks, this time they were shaggy. Of course I had to stop and take a couple shots. That is Ben Lomond in the background of the first three shots.

Shaggy Stacks

Shaggy Stacks

Shaggy Stacks

Shaggy Stacks


goooooood girl said...

your blog is very good......

Anonymous said...

oooooooooo I like the very last shot here the very best. It is so perfect. Sure doesn't look like a place that would be freezing.
