I think the title speaks for it's self but I'll add a little more.
In October last year I was running out of space on my computer hard drive and my external hard drive as well. So I upgraded and put a 500gb internal HDD in my computer. Everything seemed fine. I kept on taking photos and put them onto the new drive knowing that I had plenty of room to spare. Then Tuesday happened.
Up until Tuesday night I had about 250gb of info stored on the second hard drive. I was working away on the computer when the second HDD suddenly vanished. I couldn't find it so I took it into the shop for repairs. Two days later they tell me that the drive is dead and that all the information on it is lost.
I was in shock when I heard that. Only now do I fully realise the the amount lost. I no longer have the original RAW files from my trip to Strahan, Mt Field, all my motor sport photos, Evercreech, New Years fireworks and every shot from this year. Along with the RAW files I've also lost all the processed files as well.
The bright side of this (if you can call it that) is I do have a lot of my processed images on my
website. I've ordered a back-up of them today so at least I'll have something.
I think I will be very paranoid from now on and back-up everything. I might get myself some external HDD's and use them for back-ups or at the very least burn DVD's after every photo shoot.